Service You Can Depend On
Being experienced in any field goes a long way, and I have plenty as a Realtor®!
8+ Years of Experience
Over the years, I have helped 60+ clients sell and/or purchase their home.
60+ Clients Served
One thing my clients have in common is they were all happy with their decision to hire me as their Realtor®.
100% Satisfaction
Why Hire Valencia?
As a homeowner, an investment property owner, and having sold and purchased homes of my own, I can empathize with the oftentimes emotional rollercoaster ride you'll face during your home selling and/or purchasing journey.
Coupled with the knowledge, skills and experience I have acquired during my seven plus years as a Realtor, as a previous business development professional at a Top 10 DC law firm, I am a stickler when it comes to ensuring the accuracy of the sales contract and always double check that every "I" is dotted and every "T" is crossed so there are no hiccups down the road.